Avengers: Endgame: Review & Breakdown

So, the spoiler ban has been lifted. Let me just say, if you haven’t seen it yet and care about spoilers, just log off social media. Seriously, it’s the only way you won’t be spoiled. This isn’t just me, the Russo brothers themselves lifted it, take it up with them.

Before I delve into spoilers though, let me just say how good of a movie this was. Emotional pain aside, there is so much to love about this movie. It’s actually funny-really funny. I wasn’t ready for that at all. It’s heartfelt, even the characters knew this was their last hurrah as a team. It was aesthetically pleasing, it played with new content, and it destroyed me from inside out.

Something that really shined through was how much these actors, specifically the original six, love their characters. This movie was a love letter to the fans, to the characters, and to themselves. This honestly couldn’t have been a terrible movie even if it tried, the talent and production were so deeply genuine in their intent to just tell an Avengers story that they could have sat around watching Apple TV for a couple hours and we would have cried.

The Russos know how to make a movie. If Captain America: The Winter Soldier was any indication of what the Russos are capable of, I knew the movie was safe with them. Avengers: Infinity War was actually a really good movie, even if I wasn’t a fan the first time around. It took a few tries, but now it is actually one I look to put on. Avengers: Endgame blew me away not just in the first watch, but in the next two that followed and probably at least one more before it leaves theaters.

As usual, I answer the question on if this movie can be viewed without prior Marvel knowledge. The answer has usually been no or “yeah but you’ll have questions”, but this one is quite literally absolutely not. Avengers: Endgame brings all 21 prior movies out to play, and you will be confused without even one, let alone some or all. We can tell in the theater if you haven’t seen anything. If you don’t heed my advice, don’t lean over and ask questions every five seconds during the movie. At least try to understand and ask later.

That’s about it for this section, folks. Don’t read on if you haven’t seen it yet, because I am going all-out.



I am going to start with characters, but only the ones that weren’t dusted (with an exception because you’ll see what I mean). I am sorry, but if I talk about all of them this blog will be forever (and I will forget some, and characters like Drax who had like one line would be very short).

A lot of these pictures aren’t from Endgame given the lack of [legal] content, but given it wraps up the past 11 years I think it is okay.

Tony Stark


This is first, but I had to write it last because I couldn’t think of how to start.

I love Tony Stark so much. Tony was the beginning for all of us, so it only made sense that he was the end. Does it make it any easier? Not at all. I was inconsolable for hours after this movie.

The fact that Tony had been accused for years of being so selfish, even after becoming Iron Man, and that he would never be the one to give up anything of his, let alone his life, for the common good (*narrows eyes at Cap*) to then be the one to ultimately give his life to save it was such a fantastic way to end it all, even if it was one of the most painful (probably the most painful, actually) movie experiences I have ever had. The fact is, Tony would have died from day one for his team and for the world he was leaving behind. He came close to it so many times. And given he has a daughter now, he had every right to just back off and sit this one out. But, as Pepper said, he would never be able to live like that, because that’s Tony. That has always been Tony, no matter what the others said about him.

I loved every second of Tony screentime in this film. His breakdown at the beginning made me so upset, but to see him, albeit briefly, live the life he always dreamed of was so nice: I love his chemistry with Morgan, I love his marriage to Pepper, and I love the little farm Tony had said he wanted to give them in Age of Ultron. Tony was put in a circumstance that would change just about anyone, and yet never lost his Tony-ness, which was such a good support system throughout the movie. Dr. Strange gave up the Time Stone for Tony’s life, which he said he specifically wouldn’t do, because he knew that Tony was the one chance. Let’s be real, it had always been Tony. Even Howard Stark, who had no idea about any of this, said Tony would make a better world. He was the start and end, and he was the only one who could finish what he started.

I need to break off from Tony and tip my hat to Robert Downey Jr. for a minute, because none of this would have been possible without him. They took a chance and made a movie about Iron Man, who was a second-grade superhero at best before this, and he made it what it is today. I actually worry if he is going to be okay without Tony.

I could write an entire essay on the heroicness of Tony Stark, but to keep it going, I will stop here.

I love Tony Stark 3000.

Steve Rogers


Steve Rogers has been a cornerstone of the group since day one. I mean, being the first Avenger (in chronological order), he sort of has to be. However, this was an amazing arc for his character. For one, Tony calling him out and Cap taking it to heart and actually working to salvage that relationship and his past actions was amazing. Now, I was team Iron Man back in the day when that was relevant, so maybe I have a different perspective than some others, but this made me very happy.

Steve goes through a really emotional journey through this movie, specifically involving dealing with his past. Steve has been out of the ice for 8 years (actually 13 in the movie timeline oops), but he still is dealing with the impact of it all. I think finally gaining some sense of normalcy to have it ripped away again was probably so hard for him to deal with that it probably triggered a downward spiral he didn’t even allow us to see. Steve was so genuine in this film and it was so refreshing to see. Not that Steve is fake in any way, but he tends to annoy me sometimes (not Chris Evans I love you boo). We see him worn down to just someone who has to save the world, not for any reason other than he has to do it. And, obviously, when he wields Mjolnir, we all lost our mcfreaking MINDS.

Natasha Romanoff


Me? Already crying? Yep.

Natasha was a true standout in this, beyond the obvious reason. One, I LOVE her hair. I am sorry I don’t mean to pull that way but wow is it gorgeous.

Okay, but seriously, Natasha was the glue of the group in most of the MCU, but especially in this one. She was the one who never lost hope, she was the one who made sure they all stuck together in one way or another, she was the one to bring Barton back. I actually adore that scene where she breaks down over her peanut butter sandwich. After having an emotionless, just kinda-there Natasha (not in Winter Soldier though dang) to see her just fully meltdown and succumb to her humanity was amazing. And that part when she’s like “see you in a minute” will forever haunt me because she says it so adorable and I will just cry forever now. Natasha Romanoff is a star.

There’s a lot of talk over who should have sacrificed themselves for the soul stone, but I really think it did have to be her, as much as it kills me.

  1. Yeah, Clint has kids. I know one life isn’t valued on how many lives you’re in but think about it. Even just for Natasha’s sake: she would never be able to look those kids in the eyes again.
  2. She was what propelled the cause of bringing everyone back and died for it, which she was willing to do from day one. Natasha always knew exactly what was on the line every time she stepped outside, and her life was included this time.
  3. Nobody ever gets to say they took down Black Widow. Nobody. Not even ghost-y Red Skull. She took herself down for something she believed in, and it is probably the only acceptable death she could possibly have.



I love Thor. Do I fully agree with the direction he was taken in? No (I talk about this later so we can just talk about him here). I love that we actually do see him with such horrible PTSD and anxiety, as it does make a point that anyone can be affected. The scene where he brokenly tells Banner to not say Thanos breaks my heart every time I see it. That, and when he calls Mjolnir and it still comes to him, and he’s like “I’m still worthy!”. Oh my gosh. Thor has so much to him that I can’t even describe, and I am hoping the talk of him renewing his contract is confirmed because we need more of him.



Rocket was a surprising stand-out in this one. I love Rocket, but to see him, in a similar fashion to Cap, drop the act pretty much out of exhaustion was really interesting. He was still sarcastic of course, but it was backed by an emotional, and even desperate, side of him that really shines through. Even at the point of Infinity War, Rocket was constantly running from his problems, but by this he was ready, in fact willing, to take them head-on to make things right. I really appreciate his friendship with Thor and I hope we see more of that in the future.

Scott Lang


I adored Scott in this. To be honest, the first Ant-Man is probably my least-favorite Marvel movie, but Scott has only gotten better as it goes and really won me over in this. He was actually one of my favorites in the cast this round. I love that we see all sides of him, and his optimism was ultimately what kicked off the chain of events that saved the world.

Scott also had a lot of responsibility in this one that we hadn’t seen before. In every movie before this that he was in, he was there and had important jobs, but ultimately the world didn’t ride on it, which every other Avenger had been in a world-destruction position before. Seeing Scott really come through under such pressure was amazing. Not related, but I love that scene where Thor is talking about the reality stone and everyone else is ready to die and Scott is just so intrigued. I loved it.



I always really appreciated Nebula, but it was this movie that really made me love her. She wasn’t acting out of spite or hatred of Thanos anymore, she was acting out of genuine goodness. She wanted to help bring people back, even if Gamora (arguably the only one she cared about) wasn’t going to be included in the mix. She even came face-to-face with her past self (and past Gamora) and wanted to help make them right, not necessarily turn them against Thanos for the sake of it.

I love that beginning scene with her and Tony playing paper football (…is that what it’s called?) because of its sense of humanity (or whatever the alien equivalent is). She befriends Tony, and then ultimately the rest of the Avengers when there was a time she couldn’t even like anyone other than Thanos. To see Nebula’s arc really progress so much was so nice and really gave a positive side to such a heartbreaking movie.

Bruce Banner

bruce banner

I have to say, while I have no idea why it happened (I know how but why), I loved the whole Shrek thing here (I know it is technically Professor Hulk but it’s forever Shrek). I laugh every time that scene comes on when he and Rocket are in the back of the pickup truck, it’s just hilarious. I also really appreciate how confident Bruce becomes in this movie, he literally embraced every part of himself that he didn’t like and took it in stride. The shortness of this section isn’t out of dislike, just that I don’t have anything to add to the conversation that hasn’t already been said. Love him.

Clint Barton


Clint was so hard to watch in this, not because of poor acting or writing, but because it is so rough to watch this character we grew to love and know as a husband, father, and a general rock of the Avengers just lose himself to hate and grief. I love Clint, and I love Clint and Nat’s friendship so much. That entire soul stone scene is so painful, not just because of Natasha’s demise, but the fact that he was the one to witness it. That it was between the two of them to die and he tried so hard to save her, but she was always going to be a step ahead of him, and this time enough that it was a complete chance that put her in the position to fall. The fact that Clint forever has to live with that breaks my heart.



To be honest, Rhodey could end the world and I would still love him. He didn’t have the most vital role in this, but I was so glad he was there nonetheless. Rhodey had no true obligation to become an Avenger, let alone continue with it during this time. In fact, he had every right to say “screw this” and just leave at pretty much any point, but knew he needed to be there, whether it be for Tony, the rest of them, and the world that needed him. He is such a strong character that kind of goes underappreciated, and I so hope they continue with him, because Rhodey is just outstanding.

Peter Parker

peter parker

SO I GUESS PETER IS JUST GOING TO MAKE ME CRY EVERY MOVIE HUH. Peter only had a few combined minutes of screentime and really made me love him more, which is pretty awesome. And he got to use instant kill. Character development at its best. I don’t have much else to point out in the section but he had to be here because of the impact he made in that movie.

Things I Didn’t Like

  • I mentioned this in Thor’s section, but as funny as it was to see Thor as a practical frat boy, I didn’t love it completely. I don’t think this is the end of Thor’s story, so hopefully, we will see him really be able to deal with his grief in a healthy way. I didn’t see it as fat-shaming as some did, but I think at the end of the day Thor has some serious PTSD and trauma from the events of 5 years before that could have been better handled in the movie (I don’t mean that Thor shouldn’t have let himself go, I just mean there should have been a few more moments of serious addressing how messed up he really was after it all). This probably wouldn’t bother me as much if Iron Man 3 hadn’t handled anxiety so well and to see it fall to this, but it definitely does.
  • Hope saying “on it Cap” or something along the lines. It just bothered me for some reason and I have no idea why.
  • Showing Natasha’s corpse. Now, I totally get that the scene from her falling is an exact mirror of the scene with Gamora and Thanos in Avengers: Infinity War, but Gamora’s death wasn’t bloody, and Nat’s was. It was horrible to see and I was not a fan.
  • Thanos in a t-shirt in jeans picking spiky space potatoes. I hate that scene. I am not saying he has to clank around in armor all the time, but where did he even get those. Who in space makes denim jeans.

Things I Didn’t Mind

  • Gamora in general. I loved more-evolved Gamora from 2018 much more than 2014 Gamora, and given the sort of ominous ending hinting that new (or…old?) Gamora is still out there, but I hope that is handled well.
  • I thought the sword-fight between Clint and that gang leader (or whoever) could have been cut down a little. Not a lot, but I think he could have killed him as soon as he explained his motive and just kept going. However, the aesthetic of that scene (I assume that is downtown Tokyo) is gorgeous, so I don’t mind it too much.
  • Carol’s haircut didn’t bother me much. I didn’t love it enough to get it tattooed on me, but I knew it had to be coming, and I think she looks great. I think it might actually fit her character better.

Things I Loved

  • I am OBSESSED with the part when Strange looks over his shoulder to Tony and subtly holds up a one. Oh. My. Gosh. I gasped the first time I saw it and it still gives me chills. What a powerful moment. I will talk about this to anyone who will listen.
  • The portals scene. I am actually obsessed with the music in that scene, and the visual of them all coming through was just so beautiful. I started crying then and didn’t stop until the end.
  • Nebula and Tony having a friendship. I wish they elaborated on it more.
  • Cap passing on the shield to Sam. I started crying all over again in this scene.
  • Morgan and the lakehouse. I am literally welling up as I type this because he got to live what he wanted for five short years and not in entire peace.
  • CAP. IS. WORTHY. Cap wielding Mjolnir gets applause (usually from me) every time I see it because it’s that good.
  • The elevator scene in 2012 that recalls Captain America: The Winter Soldier so well. I yelped out so loud in the theater. I also loved the nod to the comics when he hailed Hydra. So well done.
  • All of 2012 is actually outstanding. They make Hulk take the stairs and he takes literally every single one instead of just…jumping?
  • The conversation with Frigga. I loved everything about that scene. I love Thor: The Dark World and I had so much fun seeing it again.
  • Tony and Peter hugging on the battlefield. And Tony has a picture of Peter in his kitchen. My heart burst so much.
  • We all know it, but that scene with all the girls and a callback to Natasha’s “she’s not alone”. As much as I loved it, it has a Natasha-sized hole that I can’t shake.
  • Iron Pepper is the coolest thing I have ever seen. I was not ready at ALL for her to show up in full gear.
  • Probably my favorite full scene in the movie was when Tony sees his dad in 1970. Let me tell you, I love that scene so much I am going to burst into tears right now. Tony struggled so hard with dealing with his past, specifically his relationship with his father and Howard’s untimely death. The scene brought him a peace he never expected to achieve. I love both of them (and Jarvis!! Agent Carter fans rise!!).
  • Anytime Scott Lang was onscreen.
  • Wanda is amazing. Her glowy eyes and fully giving in to her power to just unleash on Thanos? Amazing.
  • Harley being at Tony’s funeral. I have to admit, it took me a second to actually see that it was him, but I started crying all over again when I did.
  • Peter hugging the gauntlet like “Hi. I’m Peter Parker” and Carol like “Hey Peter Parker”. I love them both.
  • PEGGY. Oh. my. GOSH. Let me tell you, seeing her once was a gift. I adored it so much, but the final shot is literally Peggy (and Steve). I am just a ball of emotions. (If you don’t know, Peggy Carter is my favorite MCU character of all time).

This movie was so great. I actually enjoy all three hours of it, which I wasn’t expecting going into it (I don’t even like every second of Infinity War). It perfectly ties up the endless amount of information that comes from every past movie, which is such a challenging thing to do. I still cry when I see it, and I am still thinking about it almost every second of every day. What a slam-dunk.

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